Freedom Begins Here

Freedom is not defined by doing whatever we want.  There are many who can attest to the fact that they did what they wanted and paid for the consequences. Freedom is defined by doing what God desires.  God created us to be free, so His way leads to freedom and blessing.

The problem we face as humans is that none of us have fully done what God desires.  The Bible calls this sin.  Sin literally means that we miss the mark.  In other words, we have not, do not, and cannot live holy, perfect lives.  We miss the mark of holiness; we fall short.  Romans 3:23 says  “we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”  "There is no one righteous" (Romans 3:10).

Jesus says that all who have sinned have become a slave of sin (John 8:33). Our nature is to disobey God, and our disobedience results in death and destruction (Romans 6:23).  All that we experience on this earth that is negative are the consequences of our disobedience to God’s word, plan, and perfect will.  So enslaved to sin, we are empty, we struggle, we experience pain, we get addicted, we are in a constant battle against emotional bondage, physical pain, mental torment, and spiritual decay.

The good news is that Christ Jesus loves you and did not come to condemn you, but save you, deliver you, heal you, restore you, and set you free.  He did this by taking on your sin on the cross, and becoming the curse of sin, destroying the chains of sin’s penalty and power.

Freedom begins in your life today by accepting God’s forgiveness and receiving Jesus by faith.  It starts by recognizing that you have sinned against God, but realizing that God loves you so much to free you and transform you.  You cannot earn salvation or a relationship with Jesus.  Ephesians 2:8 says that you are saved by grace, not by works, but through faith.

When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, trusting fully in Him, knowing that His death and resurrection was for you, you become a new creation, the old life has passed away and the new life has come (2 Corinthians. 5:17).  You are no longer a slave, but a son or daughter of God who has been set free! (John 1:12, 8:35).

Today can be the start to your freedom by accepting and knowing Jesus personally.  Spiritual, emotional, and physical freedom starts now as you accept Him.

Pray this prayer from your heart, not as a religious practice, but be genuine and authentic with God.  Let this prayer guide you as you talk from your heart to God to receive Christ.  Freedom begins today!

Lord Jesus, I come to you today confessing to you that I am a sinner.  I have sinned against you and realize that I have disobeyed you.  I am sorry and want to change.  I believe that you love me so much that you died on the cross for my sin and paid the penalty for me.  I believe that you rose from the dead and have defeated the power of sin and death.  Forgive me.  I trust fully in the work of the cross and right now accept you by faith.  Save me Jesus.  I receive you into my life as my Lord and Savior.

Thank you for setting me free today. Thank you that starting today, I now have a relationship with you!  Thank you that I am new and can start a new life by being born again!    Amen.

If you have prayed this prayer from your heart, your freedom has started by knowing Jesus!  Please contact us by emailing us at  Let us know that you accepted Jesus today!